
Monday, April 22, 2013

Student Success Statement

“The Three Nevers”

Never Lie. Never Cheat. Never Steal.

-John Wooden

Three things you should never do is lie, cheat, or steal. These 3 things are very harmful not only to yourself but society and those around you. When you lie you are giving a false statement or impression and that will never be productive, and it will eventually catch up to you and you will pay for it accordingly. When you cheat you are not just cheating what you are directly cheating in, but you are also cheating yourself, because whatever you did cheating, you weren’t able to accomplish by yourself, so you are cheating yourself of experience and achievements as well. When you steal, you did not earn that item, you simply got it in a wrongful manner, obtaining that item is not an accomplishment because you did not obtain it in a righteous or honorable manner.


For example, if you win a championship because you cheated in the roster and put in alumni, did you really win the championship? No. You simply obtained a championship in a wrongful manner and cheated in order to do so, this will eventually catch up to you and fairly quickly as well, and the consequences will be harsh.

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